

My first consultation can last up to 2 hours, in which I will be asking questions regarding your present illness, past illness, family history, sleep, dreams etc. To prescribe a correct remedy it is very important that you give correct information during the case taking. The length of the treatment is very hard to predict as we are all individuals and it also depends upon what condition is being treated and for how long you have been unwell. You should allow a minimum of six months. This process makes it safe..... for adults, children and animals to take.
The remedies are made from natural sources, such as plants, animals and minerals given mostly in tablet form, which restores balance in the body by increasing ones own immune system. Homeopathy will not only cure just a certain condition but it treats the person overall.

From my past clinical experience I have seen examples of cases including:


Children illnesses


Hay fever

Menopausal and Menstrual disorders


Eczema/other skin disorders


Chronic Fatigue

Acute conditions such as coughs, colds, flu and fever can also be treated

The Remedy

Remedies are NOT INCLUDED as part of the consulation.